• a high cleaning effect deep into the filter gravel pack
• an absolutely environmental and material-friendly approach
• sustainable regeneration – Extended intervals between regenerations.
• Ultrasound kills bacteria, delaying (biological) sedimentation.
• Abrasion of the filter gravel surface cannot be caused by ultrasound, the deposit surfaces are not increased.
• the Procedure is Economical: no expensive chemicals are employed, no need for special disposal of the pumped-off water, and no permit is required.
• our short regeneration time, thanks to an accelerated procedure, will ensure that the well is back online and in production within a fast time frame.
The following from an appraisal report:
Comparative reactivations at the same well have shown that a regeneration including pre and post work with the introduction of chemicals will entail app. 30 days, a regeneration with shock pumping 10 days, and the regeneration with ultrasound only 5 days.
• can be used for all filter types and filter materials or for filter tube diameters from DN 150 up to a depth of 1,000 meters and more.
The process is not only applicable to water production wells, infiltration wells can be treated just as successfully using Ultsound.